Have you ever noticed how desperately we want to hang on to what we know and avoid the unknown? It’s funny how the unknown scares most of us so badly that we will avoid it at almost any cost.
Think about the people of Israel as they left Egypt. They would rather return to the slavery of Egypt, with conditions they knew, than have the freedom of the Promised Land and conditions they did not know.
If you and I are going to become people of faith who accomplish all we were designed for then we must learn to let go of the familiar and trust God to have everything under His control. Read Hebrews 11 and you’ll see that’s what every one of those people of faith were commended for. They trusted God to do what only He could do, to the extent they acted without any backup plan in case it didn’t work out.
My paraphrases of Matthew 16:25 goes like this: Jesus tells us that if we want to live our lives so that we have everything under control then we will end up miserable and missing out on really living at all. That person simply exists to die and be buried. But, if we’re willing to trust God and pursue His plan for our lives then we will find great fulfillment and satisfaction in doing what our Creator designed us for.
Twelve men saw Jesus walking on water. One of those twelve asked Jesus if he could join Him walking on the water. Jesus told Him to come on out, and Peter got out of the boat and walked on water. Eleven other men sat in the safety of the boat, never taking the risk and daring to step out and walk on water.
How about you? Are you going to sit in the boat or are you going to get out and take a risk?
Is taking the risk scary? You bet! But you’ll never walk on water until you get out of the boat.