Saturday, November 21, 2009

God's Dream Stretches Us

Are you dreaming of what might be? Are you wondering if perhaps God has something more for you? I came across this in a book titled Discover Your Destiny by Bill and Kathy Peel.

God's dreams stretch us. They cause us to reach for things we thought we could never experience, to risk what we thought we could never lose, to hope for what we thought we could never gain. Dreams cause us to tap into potential energy, discover resources we thought we didn’t have. They demand that we develop a stronger, deeper, more significant relationship with God than we’ve ever had before, to embrace the impossible and believe it’s possible because we worship the God of the impossible.

A dream from God lays hold of the “good works” that we were created for in Jesus Christ. His dreams bring our innermost being meaning and purpose as we’ve never experienced before. When we put ourselves in God’s hands, He will simply not allow us to stay comfortably complacent in our own small worlds.

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