Saturday, December 19, 2009

I’ve Been Thinking

At 99° Celsius water is hot, but at 100° Celsius water boils and turns to steam. Steam, when contained and properly used can be used to run steam engines, the same engines used to power huge locomotives, ocean liners, power generators, sawmills, and many other such machinery. It’s only one degree, one single degree, but that one degree makes all difference.

Often it is that one degree that makes the difference between success or failure, between victory or defeat, between being the champion or being defeated.

I’ve been thinking about how the same is true in the Christian life. Some find going the extra degree just too hard. They don’t think it’s worth it. It’s just too much to give up. And so, many people settle for less. They get hot, but they never boil. They get close, but they never cross the line.

So I’ve been thinking. How hot am I? Am I simply hot, or have I crossed over to the point where I’m making steam and God can harness my output and use it for great things?

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