Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I think back over the past few weeks I still find it hard to take it all in. God worked out so many unexpected things that I am left with my mind whirling and wondering what the outcome might be.
1. God allowed me to have two men, David and John, join me on this mission trip.
2. The day we arrived in Kaju Keji I joined Len (Dr. Renfer) and Pastor Edward to go see the Commissioner of Kaju Keji. After Pastor Edward explained what we were doing, and the Commissioner gave his consent to our work, Pastor Edward asked me to pray. I thanked God for the Commissioner, asked God to bless the county of Kaju Keji with peace, and prayed for God’s blessing on the commissioner. When I finished the commissioner thanked me for praying for him. He seemed genuinely grateful for my praying for him. I only wish I had asked if I could return to share with him the message we were going to be sharing throughout the week with the people of Kaju Keji.
3. I led our outreach team consisting of John and Christy to the village of Mekinda where we did hut to hut evangelism. I don't have an exact count but I would guess we shared the gospel with well over 130 people during our time there. I also taught at the local church (under 3 mango trees) on church membership and baptism (twice), and had the opportunity to share the gospel message with a group of people who had gathered for a memorial service for a family member who had died a month earlier in Juba.
4. I shared with my driver, Abraham, how God is leading me to help church leaders develop the next generation of leaders. I showed him the multiplication diagram and he got excited about it and told me that he had that in his mind and would take that with him in his ministry of making disciples.
5. On Sunday afternoon, February 7th, I went with Pastor Edward to pray for a new clinic that is about to open. When I get there I discovered that not only was I praying but that I was also the speaker. “Be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is in you”. So, I ask God for a word from Him for this time and He gave me Psalm 1. God is good! I have once again experienced His leading as I have called out to Him.
6. One Monday the medical clinic when to the village where I was doing evangelism. The doctors saw 252 people. Then we had a time of praise before leaving.
7. Tuesday the team left and I began teaching at the seminary. I taught the doctrine of Christ and the doctrine of our salvation. I also shared with them many of the lessons God has given me over the years and answered a bunch of their questions as best I could.
8. I was able to help Seed Effect by removing viruses from a computer and from 3 memory devices.
9. I have spent time with Christy and it is really a joy to see how she is growing and how God is using her to impact people for His kingdom.
10. I have experienced ministering in Africa and sense that God really wants me to focus on South America where I know the culture and the language. As I think on this it seems that God has shaped me from my childhood for ministry in the Latin culture. The passion to pour my life into the people of Central and South America has not diminished in the slightest. Perhaps it is even sharper as I see how clearly God has molded me over the years.
11. On Sunday I preached live on the local radio station and had Pastor Edward interpret for me. As I prepared for this I asked the seminary class to help me craft the message. I asked them to help me think like a lost person of Kaju Keji. I told them that I needed them to help me understand the culture and the people, that if I was to be as interesting as Jesus was that I needed to know what the people think and what they are concerned about. It turned into a great time of teaching, perhaps the best of the week, as I told them our duty is to make the gospel presentation so interesting that people will stop what they are doing to listen. I’ll write more about this in a future posting.
For all of you who have been praying, please know that you had a vital part in all of this. Thank you for praying. God prepared the way, and it was because of your prayers. Without you I would not be here!
For the Glory of Jesus!

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