Thursday, March 25, 2010

Something to think about

I find the subject of “leadership” absolutely fascinating. I have read hundreds of books and articles on the subject and still find it interesting how people can’t even define or agree on the definition of the word. Some people make the definition of “leader” as simple as anyone who has a following. Those people say that Jesus was a leader and Hitler was a leader, the only difference being that Jesus was a good leader and Hitler was a bad leader. Believe me, there is much more to authentic leadership than that.

Margaret Wheatley has great insight into leadership. I recently saw one of her quotes which reads, “If, as leaders, we fail to encourage unique and diverse ways of doing things, we destroy the entire system’s capacity to adapt.”

Are we church leaders trying to pull society back to the traditional ways of doing church and living life, or are we looking for ways to be relevant to a society that is changing and adapting?

If we are trying to pull society back to the “good old days” then we will become increasingly irrelevant to the very people we need to be reaching.

If however, we get out in front and show them a better way of living life then we become leaders who lead people to discovering how they can have a relationship with God.

Think about it!

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