Saturday, May 29, 2010

To Whom Are You Accountable?

I’m reading Bill Hull’s book titled The Complete Book of Discipleship. One of the interesting statements Hull makes is, ‘Many people have said, “I’m going to go deep with God,” but unless they submit to the help of others, they’re not likely to grow, apart from suffering.’

Each of us need to be held accountable to someone. Knowing what to do is simply not enough. We know we should eat right and exercise regularly, but unless we have someone to help us maintain those disciplines we won’t do what we know we need to do. Simply knowing what to do is not enough. We must have accountability if we are going to do well.

The same is true with the disciplines of the Christian life. We all know we need to study our Bible, spend time in prayer, memorize scripture, regularly be with other believers, serve God’s family, share Christ’s love, and support God’s work. But unless we have someone in our life to whom we have given the right to ask us the tough questions about progress, we will simply not do it.

So, what portion of God’s truth did you memorize this week? Did you at least once this week spend an hour alone in prayer? Have you been faithful in giving God his ten percent of your income? With whom did you share God’s love this week? How did you use your spiritual gift to serve God’s family this week?

Going deep with God requires consistent discipline, but being deep with God is the only thing that will truly satisfy the craving of your soul.

Until next time…


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