Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keeping Our Focus

Take a moment to read the Bible account of Peter walking on water. It’s found in Matthew 14:25-33.

What was it that caused Peter to lose his focus and forget all about Jesus’ command?

Think about this with me:

1. Peter knows that all it takes for him to walk on water is for the Lord Jesus to give the command. He makes that statement in verse 28.

2. Peter is a fisherman who is used to the water.

3. Peter has undoubtedly faced storms on the water many times.

4. Peter knows how to swim. (John 21:7.)

5. Peter is literally terrified at what he sees and screams out for Jesus to save him.

What was it that scared Peter to the very core of his being?

Look at verse 30. Peter saw the wind. Now when you and I read that we automatically think he saw the effects of the wind, like the waves. But waves were an everyday thing to Peter. Waves would not have scared a bold fisherman like Peter. But you and I both know a person can’t see the wind. True, but then we can’t walk on water either.

Something supernatural happened in order for Peter to walk on water. And something supernatural happened for Peter to see the wind. Now Peter was ready for the first supernatural event, the walking on water part. But when God allowed him to see more than what he expected it rattled that poor fisherman all the way to his core and he totally lost focus on Jesus.

Sometimes when we ask God for something He gives us more than we ask for. And sometimes when that happens we, like Peter, totally lose our focus and take our eyes off of Jesus.

What are you asking God for? What would your reaction be if God were to give you something way beyond what you are asking for? Would you keep you focus on the Master?

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