Monday, November 30, 2009

The Great Commission

In Matthew 28:18-20 we find what is known as The Great Commission. I’ve been pondering that quite a bit lately and wondering if perhaps we have been overlooking one of the words we find in that passage. It’s the short three-letter word “all”, as in “teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.

If we are going to teach new believers to obey all the commands Jesus gave us then that must mean we teach them to
1) go and peach,
2) help them become Christ-followers,
3) baptize them, and then
4) teach them to repeat that same process with someone else.

If we fail in any one of these points then doesn’t that mean we have failed to carry out the commands of our Lord?

When I stop and think about all that entails it’s pretty heavy because it means that if the person I pour my life into does not go pour their life into someone else then I’ve failed to get the main point across to my apprentice. Now I understand that may not always be the case, because even Jesus had one of his disciples fail. But if I don’t have any of those people I’m pouring my life into go pour their life into someone else, who pours their life into someone else, then somewhere along that process I’m failing.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Faithful vs Unfaithful

Notice in Matthew 25:14-30 the difference in the focus of the faithful and unfaithful servants. The faithful servants began their reports focuses on “You”, while the unfaithful servant began his report with “I”.

If our focus is on self then we will always miss the bigger picture, we will miss the thrill of great accomplishments, we will miss out on accomplishing something of significance.

It is only when I am willing to risk my life for the cause of my Lord that I’ll find a life worth living. A life that does not see God show up, a life that does not experience the power of God, a life that does not go beyond self is not a life worth living. That life is only an existence, not a thrill and fulfilling life.

So where is your focus?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

God's Dream Stretches Us

Are you dreaming of what might be? Are you wondering if perhaps God has something more for you? I came across this in a book titled Discover Your Destiny by Bill and Kathy Peel.

God's dreams stretch us. They cause us to reach for things we thought we could never experience, to risk what we thought we could never lose, to hope for what we thought we could never gain. Dreams cause us to tap into potential energy, discover resources we thought we didn’t have. They demand that we develop a stronger, deeper, more significant relationship with God than we’ve ever had before, to embrace the impossible and believe it’s possible because we worship the God of the impossible.

A dream from God lays hold of the “good works” that we were created for in Jesus Christ. His dreams bring our innermost being meaning and purpose as we’ve never experienced before. When we put ourselves in God’s hands, He will simply not allow us to stay comfortably complacent in our own small worlds.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Life Is As Good As I Choose

Enjoying life is a choice. We chose what we allow our minds to dwell on. If we chose to dwell on negative things then we’ll have a negative attitude and become even more negative. And believe me, life has more than enough disappointments to keep us down the rest of our lives.

However, if we chose to find the bright side of things, and then dwell on the positive things instead of the negative, then we’ll enjoy life and live with a positive outlook.

That’s why God says in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (NASB)

See that part at the end that says "dwell on these things"? That's a command we are to obey.

So the next time you’re feeling down just remember, it’s your choice. But also remember that dwelling on the negative is sin. God says we are to control our mind and dwell on His list of good things.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have You Thought About Sin?

Have you ever thought about why sin is so bad?

Some of you read that and think, "Well, Duh! Of course sin is bad!"
But really, have you thought it through?
Quite likely, if we really think it through, and really see sin for what it is, we might not fall victim quite so easily.

Did God just randomly come up with a set of rules that He determined would be sin if we violate them? In other words, did God want to take away our fun, or did He have a reason for telling us to stay away from certain things?

The answer is right in front of us. It is not elusive at all.
Let’s start by understanding what sin is.
Sin is anything that is contrary to God’s nature and character.
For example; God is love, therefore whatever is unloving is sin because it goes against loving God character.
God is just, so whatever is unjust is sin because it goes against God’s just character.
God is pure, so whatever is impure is sin because it goes against God’s pure character.

Now, because mankind was created in the image of God, whatever is against God’s character is also against man’s character. Sin is contrary to man's natural design. What that means is that the Bible is not a set of rules that God determined were sin if they are violated, but the Bible is actually God's  manual for mankind to have a successful life.

My car manual says to put gasoline in the fuel tank. But if decide gasoline is too expensive and chose to put water in the gas tank instead, then my car won’t run. That doesn't mean there is a design problem, and it doesn’t mean there is an error in the owner’s manual. So long as I follow the manual my car will run fine, but when I decide I’m going to violate the manual because I don’t like the price of gasoline then I’ll run into problems.

That’s that way it is with sin and God’s Word. My opinion does not change the facts. The way for me to enjoy life to the fullest is to understand the manual God gave us, His Word, and then follow it. If we do that then Joshua 1:8 guarantees us success.

So the next time the enemy comes to you telling you that sin will be fun and that you can get away with it remember this, it is contrary to the purpose for which you were made.
It will destroy you!
Remember, Jesus said that Satan is a liar and a murderer, and that all he wants to do is to kill and destroy.
Don't fall victim to his lies! Call a mature Christian friend before you fall victim.

God's Way vs. Our Way

When we do things God’s way we release God’s power into our lives.
When we do things our way we cut off God’s power in our lives.
Therefore, obedience is like opening a valve so that God can pour His power into our lives.

I racall trying to explain this to a couple Christian businessmen who were violating software copyright laws.
I asked them how much God's blessing was worth to them, if it was worth more than the cost of the software?

If we're willing to compromise then God's blessing has a price tag.

Well, does God's blessing have a price tag?

Who's Got Control?

I've been reading and thinking a lot lately, trying to understand what God means when He calls us to live by faith. Here's an adaptation from the excellent book Wide Awake by Erwin McManus. I'll call it the Thought For The Day.

If I resolve to live the life of my dreams, if I refuse to settle for a life other than the one God created me to live, then I'm going to be terrified as I give up control and let go of anything and everything that makes me feel secure. I must focus and lock-on to the direction God has called me to live my life.

Now for us engineers that's extremely hard. We love safety and hate risk. We over design "just to make sure" and then add a safety factor "just in case".

Now I know that God has more than enough "safety factor". I know all those things in my head. But trying to get my heart to follow my head is my problem. I can't see God's safety factor, nor can I measure it, and that makes it hard. But then if I could see it and measure it then I wouldn't need faith, would I, and without faith I can't please God. So I see why I have to let go, and sometime I can get my head to be okay with that. Now I just need to get my emotions and my heart to follow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Reaching Beyond Comfort

At some point you have to break silence and let people know what's going on. I think that time has come.

For one thing I need people praying for me because it's about got me at the breaking point. Another thing is I believe God wants me to share with my church family that even we pastors sometimes struggle to understand where God is leading.

So here it is: I'm stepping off the BCF Church staff at the end of the year. I know! I never thought that would happen either! It has been the greatest thrill of my life to serve with Pastor Kenny and the BCF staff team.

It all began in May of 2008. I got an invitation from Pastor Rick Warren to attend a conference he was having called Purpose Driven Community Gathering. It was by invitation only, and I got an invitation. I attended the conference knowing that God was doing something, but not knowing what. At the conference Pastor Rick said that the work of training pastors was simply too much for Saddleback, and that if we would help him train pastors he would give us all his notes and training materials. At the end of the conference Rick invited us to stand if we were willing to let God use us to train other pastors, and I stood.

Only weeks after I returned God began moving and in September of 2008 I spent a day teaching about 20 pastors and seminary professors in Matamoros, Mexico, the Purpose Driven material. Then I watched in amazement as God took me on two trips to Peru where once again I spent time training pastors and seeing first hand the needs of pastors and church leaders. Now God is moving me to invest my life in training church leaders to train other leaders.

As I step off staff I really don't know how God is going to provide for me and my family. All I know is I really believe God is saying to do this, and I can't ignore it. The passion keeps growing! I must do this!

So, as dumb as it may seem, I'm jumping! Is it scarry? YOU BET!!! It's more like terrifying! I've never done skydiving or bungee jumping because I hate the feeling of falling and being out of control. Guess what? I'm not in control! I've jumped with no safety net, bungee cord, parachute, or anything else other than God's prompting me to grow in faith and take the leap.

So there you have it. Pastors struggle too! So pray for me, please! I want to accomplish all God has designed me to accomplish. I want to hear my Lord say "Well done, my good and faithful servant."