Sunday, April 11, 2010

Are You Noble?

Some people have told me that I’m a pessimist. That’s pretty funny because my wife says I’m an optimists. Since my wife has been at my side for 35 years I tend to think she knows me better then those who think I’m a pessimist.

Why do some see me as a pessimist? They tell me it’s because I’m always questioning what I’m told. Because I don’t take take things at face value. Perhaps I’ve been burned so many times that I’ve learned to look at the evidence before I accept something. I do question what I’m told, and then I may very likely go as far as questioning the evidence.

Some people say that because I’m a skeptic I don’t have any faith. Let me explain something. Faith IS NOT a leap in the dark, accepting something just because someone said it is so. Not only is that not faith, but that’s not even smart.

When people questioned Jesus about His claims He never condemned them for their skepticism. In fact, Jesus even agreed that if He was the only one who made claims about Himself then He should not be believed. He pointed out that they had the testimony of John the Baptist, the Old Testament, His Father, and the works that He did. Jewish law said that every word must be considered true if there were 2 or 3 witnesses. Jesus gave them more than that while He was alive, and after He had risen there were about 500 witnesses who had seen the risen Savior.

Taking a leap in the dark is not faith. I can’t find anyplace in the Bible where that is taught. Moses certainly didn’t do it when he went to free the people of Israel. Gideon didn’t do it when he was going to fight the Midianites. David didn’t do it when he went against Goliath. Peter didn’t do it when he walked on water.

In Acts 17:11 we read where the people of Berea were noble because “they searched the scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” These Jews didn’t take what they were told at face value. They investigated and did their own research, and God says those men “noble”. Today there are some who would call those “noble” people skeptics and doubters.

Here is what happens when a noble person diligently researches what he or she is told. When they learn that what they have been told is true, they then 1) trust the person who told them that fact, and 2) they become unshakable in their beliefs. We see this with the apostles. Prior to Jesus rising from the dead they all fled and hid behind locked doors. But once they had seen the resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit came upon them they couldn’t be silenced, even when Herod killed James and Stephen was stoned to death.

Is it any wonder that people are confused when we talk about faith? Is it any wonder that people think Christ followers are somewhat nuts? We, the Christ followers talk about faith and we don’t even know what it is. We tell them they just have to believe, just accept it.

When I was teaching at the seminary in Sudan in February I told all of the students that they must not accept what I said as perfect truths. I am human and I make mistakes. I asked them to be noble and search what I told them to see if what I said lined up with God’s truth. I would ask you to do the same.

No, I am not a pessimist. I’m not even a skeptic. But I do what to be noble and make sure that I’m basing my life on God’s truth and not one what someone thinks, someone believes, or someone heard someone say one time.

Not long ago I heard a preacher say repeatedly during his message “I believe…” and then he would proceed with his statement. Actually, I couldn’t care less what he believes. There are those whose religion tells them to kill anyone who is not of their religious persuasion. They are taught that to die killing non-believers gives them a direct ticket to heaven. They believe this so much that they will kill themselves for those beliefs. We need to understand that our personal beliefs and convictions are flawed, imperfect, and prone to error. Don’t tell me what you believe! Tell my why you believe what you believe!

Andrew Murray wrote that it is the duty of the church leader to always direct the people back to God’s Word and to never let them simply accept what they were told. We need to remember that.

So be noble. Check it out against God’s perfect standard. Then dig down deep into the nourishment of God’s Word and let it transform you. Live up to your full potential and experience all that God has for you. Enjoy the thrill of experiencing the God of all creation using you to impact others for His kingdom. Live life to the fullest and have a greater thrill than anything you could ever imagine.

Until next time,


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