Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Humans Playing God

I had a discussion today which still has me upset.

The person I was talking to said that China has a good law. After a woman has given birth to her second child she is operated on so that she can never have any more children.

I asked him why that was good. He told me it’s good because there are too many people in the world. I asked him where he got that information. His reply, “There are! (too many people)”

I then told him that were the entire world’s population moved to the state of Texas there would be room enough for everyone. He looked at me like I was nuts and said, “Come on! How do you figure that?” I replied, “It’s simple mathematics. Texas has enough land mass to house every person in the world without overcrowding.”

Sound strange? Perhaps you too are under the impression that planet earth is over populated and that some form of birth control is needed or people will die of because of overcrowding.

Please be noble. Don’t take my word for it. Look at the numbers:

Texas land mass, not including lakes and rivers, = 678,051 square kilometers. One square kilometer = 1,000,000 square meters. Therefore Texas land mass = 678,051,000,000 square meters.

According to the Wikapedia, the online encyclopedia, as of April 12, 2010 the world population is 6,814,200,000 people.

Divide Texas land mass by world’s population and you get area per human. Simple math says there is 99.5 square meters, or 1,071 square feet of Texas land mass for every person living on planet earth.

I concluded by saying this. “When you and I start taking on the role of God by deciding who can have children and who can’t, then we are getting into very dangerous territory.”

In Exodus 4:11 God Himself takes responsibility for the mute, deaf, and blind. We call those birth defects. God says He did it. Here is what God said to Moses. “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD?” Exodus 4:11 (NLT)

So next time someone tells you the world is getting over populated ask them from where they are getting their facts and help set the record straight.

Let’s stop listening to nonsense. Let’s stop trying to play God. If you’re anything like me, it’s hard enough keeping myself on track, let alone trying to tell others how they need to run their lives.

Until next time,


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